Set about a year after the events of the film, the game begins in a dream sequence where a man named Bruce Banner transforms into a large and powerful monster dubbed the Hulk and destroys waves of soldiers and tanks sent by the military to attack him. Upon awakening, Bruce Banner is contacted by his old mentor Dr. Crawford who explains that he has developed a cure for the Hulk called the Gamma Orb. Unfortunately, military troops led by the corrupt General John Ryker have raided the lab. Bruce Banner sneaks into the lab and discovers that General Ryker wants to obtain the Gamma Orb. After reaching Dr. Crawford, Bruce allows his old mentor to use the Gamma Orb on him, but Crawford uses it to steal the Hulk's energy. Crawford touches the Orb and absorbs a part of Bruce Banner's power transforming himself into a Hulk-like creature called Ravage. Simultaneously, Banner transforms into the Hulk. After a chase of Ravage over rooftops and through sewers with Ryker's forces in hot pursuit, Hulk finds himself at a dead end where he is ambushed by the vampire Half-Life. Hulk defeats Half-Life who explains that Ravage has taken the orb to Alcatraz but will kill a hostage there if the Hulk is detected.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium 3 @ 700 MHz
Memory: 192 MB
Hard Drive: 1.5 GB Free
Video Memory: 32 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 8.0
Keyboard & Mouse
CD/DVD Rom Drive
Link Download Hulk - Highly Compressed
Size : 162MB
Great ideas indeed! I will surely keep these in my mind!
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